The HSAFP Monthly Curriculum

Did you know that nearly all U.S. medical schools use the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Premed Competencies to "evaluate applicants' readiness for medical school"? (AAMC, 2023).

Unique to any other high school student group organization, HSAFP incorporates these pre-med competencies in virtual and hands-on curriculum—updated monthly—to ensure all high school students can build crucial skills needed as a pre-med student, medical student, resident, and, eventually, physician.

HSAFP is also proud to collaborate with distinguished organizations that share our commitment to support and teach the next generation of healthcare leaders.


Here’s a glimpse of the exciting curriculum activities we’ve planned for the 2024–2025 academic year!

January 2025

Intro to Research for Juniors and Seniors

Maybe you’ve heard that becoming a physician usually involves having some sort of research experience. 

But wait. “Research” can mean a lot of things. What is valuable research experience for becoming a physician, exactly? When should you start? Are there any alternatives to research experience if I cannot find research experience? And, is it required to participate in research to be accepted into medical school?

All of these questions will be addressed, and more, in this course crafted for high school upperclassmen!

December 2024

Volunteering in your Local Community

As we learned during our October webinar, if you are planning to apply to medical school, extracurricular activities are crucial to participate in during high school and your bachelor’s degree.

During December, HSAFP is asking all chapters to complete 5 hours of non-clinical volunteering with your chapter members!

HSAFP Chapters have at least 90% of their HSAFP members complete volunteering AND write a discussion board reflection post will earn prizes!

November 2024

Medical Specialties Exploration

Discover your ideal medical specialty with our comprehensive quiz designed to match you to fields based on your skills, preferences, and goals.

In addition to taking this quiz, chapters will hear from at least one physician about their specialty. See more on Connect for the full November curriculum!

October 2024

HSAFP Webinar

In October 2024, HSAFP hosted an informative webinar, “What High School Students Can Do Now To Prepare for Medical School.”

You can view the recording by signing up for our Connect website!

The 2025-2026 Curriculum is Coming Soon!

  • February: Kickstart Your Heart Month: Hands-On Activities
  • March: Asynchronous Virtual Patient Interaction Practice
  • April: No One Practices Medicine Alone: Webinar with Healthcare Workers

Get Access to The HSAFP Curriculum

Join a local HSAFP chapter or start a new one to unlock exclusive access to our comprehensive curriculum, including detailed meeting agendas, presentation slides, and on-demand support. Click the button to check for existing chapters at your high school. If none are available, we’ll provide you with step-by-step guidance to start your own HSAFP chapter.

What else can we tell you about HSAFP?

Have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to contact us and a member of our team will get back to you within 48 hours!